Monday, October 17, 2022

Before the Winter

    A couple errands needed to be taken care of before winter sets in. The cold wind only serves to make me feel alive and I enjoyed being out in it. On a recent visit to see Norm Vangsness I had forgotten a jacket in his pickup and while there Mary wanted a head shot of him for the family history book she is completing. We next drove to the Pioneer Cemetery in the hills to check on a name inscribed there. It’s still a lonely place, but very peaceful there. 

Dinner time approached and Sheldon was only 10 miles or so away so we headed that way to grab a bite at Norm’s Bar and Grill and ended up visiting with a lot of people. Marilyn Froemke walked in with us; she was meeting others for a little birthday party. Dan Spiekermeier sat with his son and son’s girlfriend and I had been wanting to visit with Dan about a picture.

Mary and I each ordered up a hamburger, fries, and coke and while we waited in walked a three generation trio of my cousins - Lance, Kirk, and Jared - who’d been working cattle that morning. Lots of visiting took place then.

On the way out of town I wanted to check on the new fire hall and community center that is now fully enclosed and insulated. Both units are very spacious. I stood in the southwest corner of the community center for the picture where the kitchen space and rest room doors show up. A stairway leads to a nice storeroom at the top level. 

Oh, by the way, on the way out of the bar Norma Anderson had uncovered a nice looking chocolate cake and I must have made big eyes because she offered us each a piece. It was tasty!

Regarding the Venlo visit, Marilyn said the gentleman from the Netherlands has posted his schedule in the Ransom County Gazette which unfortunately I don’t subscribe to. That is going to change. I did get an email today from the gentleman who didn’t say anything in it about Ransom County, but did say he’d be at NDSU on Oct. 27. As more information develops I’ll post it. We know there is lots of Venlo history out there.

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