Tuesday, August 13, 2019

When Money Grew on Trees

Recently I remembered the book WHEN MONEY GREW ON TREES which so impressed me that I wanted to open and read from it again. One of the benefits of being a book reviewer for the Western Writers of America is that an occasional good one like this crosses my desk and I get to place it on my own shelves. My Santa Fe “boss” favored me with this volume of history about a robber baron who stole from the nation’s timber acreage. I certainly wasn’t going to discard it after making my positive assessment. Prior to our move from Mandan to Fargo I’d discarded some of my book collection; now, when I searched and could not find it, I began questioning my sanity for disposing it. After several searches, I gave up. A few days later and even without the help of St. Anthony, it showed up in the middle of a prominent shelf when I wasn’t looking for it. I believe I will blame this episode on my eyeglass prescription. But what about this book that appealed to me so? Read my thoughts on FaceBook tomorrow.

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