Friday, August 30, 2019

A Hue and Cry of Anguish

If Edward Abbey were alive today, we would hear a hue and cry of anguish shouted from the mountaintops about the present state of OUR environment. When I browsed my bookshelves I picked up his book “Fire on the Mountain” and riffled through its pages where I landed on this passage: “Well—the summer rolled on, hot and dry and beautiful, so beautiful it broke your heart to see it knowing you couldn’t see it forever.” 
Abbey was known for advocating environmental issues, criticism of public land policies, and anarchist political views. Read his “Monkey Wrench Gang” to learn about his methods of anarchy. He lies in eternal rest in a secret desert gravesite, buried by friends who aren’t giving up its location. I think his above quotation holds two meanings: 1. he would die and 2. the powerful continually subtract assets from the environment, never to be seen again.

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