Friday, August 25, 2023

Book Talk at Zanbroz

 We just attended one of those events that I wish there were more of. Kevin Carvell from Mott possesses the largest privately owned library of North Dakota books, i.e. books about North Dakota or written by North Dakotans. The Zanbroz book store in downtown Fargo was the setting and the meeting room was packed. Carvell appeared to talk about some of his books, two boxes of which he brought along to show and tell.

When the Zanbroz manager introduced Carvell, he made a brief mention of Carvell’s involvement with the infamous “Zip to Zap” that brought a laugh. Great program! Mott being where it is means I’ll probably never get over there to visit it.

It was also my pleasure to meet and visit briefly with Chuck Haga, a retired newspaper man who now teaches some journalism students at UND in Grand Forks. I always enjoy his intelligent musings on Facebook.

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