Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Sandhills

      I wanted to find information about the sand hill region south east of Sheldon where I grew up and remembered a book on my shelf NORTH DAKOTA’S GEOLOGIC LEGACY by John Bluemle, the one-time state geologist. He’d gathered a wealth of information about the state’s landforms and how they originated.

     In order to gather that information he traveled about the state with family in tow and stayed for a period of time in each area. While in Ransom County they stayed in Lisbon where his wife Mary gave birth to their daughter Irene. Moving over to Enderlin, he writes where their landlady’s son kept them supplied with pheasants and geese.

     The dedicated state geologist, now retired, said, “I have spent a lifetime trying to understand how the land that is North Dakota came to be the way it is.”

     Chapter Five deals with wind-shaped landforms, in other words - sand dunes. He even tackles the “gold rush” near Lisbon where he determined the specks of gold flowed through the area via a river sometime over 3 million years ago.

     There is plenty of material in the book to educate me for my purposes.

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