Thursday, August 25, 2022

Pitchfork Fondue

 PITCHFORK FONDUE - We drove to Medora for our almost-annual visit to the musical and the pitchfork fondue. The open air terrace where the steaks are prepared and eaten with gusto provides a great experience. I watched two men spear several steaks onto each pitchfork and asked one how many will you do. He answered “470 tonight” which didn’t seem to be enough to cover this crowd. However the option of choosing a hot dog at half the price instead of a steak answered the question the discrepancy. Mary and I optioned for one steak and one hot dog we cut each in half to share. Just right!    

Note the pitchforks in the picture where about half hold steaks and another group leans waiting for theirs. By the way, the steaks were very good. They’ve raised steak preparation to an art.

     Mary thought we needed a selfie at the overlook east of town, so here is my first attempt ever at that art form.

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