Monday, April 11, 2022

Wolves Captured

 Posted in "Sheldon - Remembering Our Past"

May, 1911 Headline in the Sheldon Progress: Carl Bjugstad captures a large den of young wolves on the Sheyenne last week. 

     That digging out wolves is a profitable business was practically demonstrated last Friday when Carl Bjugstad captured eight of the whelps. Mr. Bjugstad discovered the den along the banks of the Sheyenne and watched his chance to catch them in their den. He says that this was one of the largest dens he has ever discovered and over a half day was spent in capturing them. The whelps were about half grown and put up quite a lively scrap. The county and state each pay a bounty and a nice little sum was realized.

     (Readers today will recognize Carl Bjugstad as the father of Charles and Marty.)

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