Monday, March 21, 2022

"Uncle Walter"

 I picked up Walter Cronkite’s autobiography A REPORTER’S LIFE at a recent book sale and stopped to consider what he had written about civil right’s. He tells of doing some drugstore deliveries as a teenager which in the eyes of the community was considered a job for “Nigger boys.”  As the years went on he came to full awareness that one class of Americans was intent upon keeping in servitude another class.

     He writes, “In those high school years I accepted the fact that my friends were inheritors of a culture built on slavery as as an economic reality.” A bit later he said, “the Founding Fathers, while proclaiming the right of equality for all, actually didn’t intend to include blacks, Indians, or women.”

     It seems to me this undying attitude is what is giving fuel to the so-called Critical Race Theory that is making news today.

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