Monday, December 6, 2021

R.I.P. Bob Dole

 Senator Bob Dole was an effective U. S. Senator. I learned this morning of the stalemate in Congress that blocked passage of any bill regarding Social Security during the remaining months of 1982. It was at this point that Senators Bob Dole (R-KS) and Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) stepped up and led a bipartisan compromise that ultimately allowed passage of support.

Dole said, ”…and I have learned in my own life, from my own experience, that not every man, woman or child can make it on their own. And that in time of need, the bridge between failure and success can be the government itself. And given all that I have experienced, I shall always remember those in need. That is why I helped to save Social Security in 1983 and that is why I will be the president who preserves and strengthens and protects Medicare for America's senior citizens.”

R.I.P. Senator Dole.

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