Monday, August 2, 2021

Sandvig Picnic and Tour of Bohnsack Ranch

 Sunday, August 1, we drove to Leonard to attend the annual Sandvig Picnic. It was not a big crowd, but there was plenty of food and conversation to make the day worthwhile. When the day drew to a close, Bonita Bohnsack Laske invited anyone who might like to come to the ranch to look around, which several of us decided to do. It brought back memories of the times as a kid we'd go out there to rodeos, etc.

Lynn & Mary Bueling

Janice Ylvisaker Rustad

Bonita Bohnsack Laske

Freida Bohnsack with her fancy trappings.

Part of the crowd.

Bonita opens the gate.

An old advertising circular. How many years ago was this posted?

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