Sunday, March 7, 2021

Escape to the Country

 An escape to the country looked good after too many months of sitting still. We had a goal in mind: locate a couple cemeteries where some of my relatives find eternal rest. The Barrie Cemetery took us onto a winding township road off Highway 18 where we drove through a wooded area past the Barrie Congregational Church. Attractive and well-kept, the church sits remote, nestled close to the gravel road and not appearing to be much used.  

According to our downloaded map, the cemetery was still a couple miles further. We rumbled across the plank deck of a shaky little bridge over the Sheyenne River. The sign said ‘Load Limits 4 Tons,’ and my joke that Mary might need to walk across was not accepted humorously.

We found the cemetery, that is, we saw it on the near horizon, but one look at the muddy road leading up to it told us to stay off. We’ll go back after it dries up and the leaves come out. It should be pretty.
Heading back to Fargo we stopped at the Perhus Cemetery, but had no luck finding any names on tombstones that we recognized. There are some old burials in there. As the sign states, it was established in 1874.

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