Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Ransom County's Namesake

I was born and raised in Ransom County, ND and since our Ransom County is named after a historical character, I always like to discover something about the man. Apparently he was a fighting general always in the fray since he was wounded four times: in a skirmish near Charleston, MIssouri on August 20, 1861; at Fort Donelson in February 1862; severely (in the head) during the Battle of Shiloh on April 6, 1862; and at the Battle of Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana, on April 4, 1864.
Ransom's memory was cherished by many prominent Union Generals including Grant and Sherman. The historian Edward G. Longacre notes that the stoic Grant wept upon hearing of young Ransom's death. Ransom's close friend, Grenville Dodge, recalled how, even years later, President Grant would frequently talk about young Ransom with great affection and respect. Sherman kept a photograph of General Ransom on the wall of his office 20 years after the war.General Ransom is buried in Rosehill Cemetery in Chicago

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